domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

La semana del cometa

Si, otra semana ha pasado y mi agenda ya va siendo mia... Es la tercera semana y se va notando que la voy customizando porque ya voy usando cada separador para cosas determinadas.
Por ahora esta semana ha sido asi:

La decoración no salió tan homogénea como yo esperaba y se quedo asi...
Para que no os sintais tristes por ello... Un bombón!

Cuánto me mima mi mamá!

PD: habeis visto un cometa en el cielo? Me tiene toda intrigada...

domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Week round-up #46

De nuevo aqui!
Os dejo mi semana resumida en una foto:
Me encanta hacer dibujitos que me recuerden lo que tengo que hacer. (o solo porque si :) )
Ya habeis decorado esta semana que viene?
Yo me he pasado la tarde enrollando washi y decotape en tarjetas para compartir. Yujuu! Doble variedad, con la mitad de precio!


PS: I'm still learning how to draw the German flag without looking... Excuse me!! (and obviously I'm still starting to learn Deutsch!)

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Pink Filofaxes are theee best!

This is going to be my first post as a filofax user *imaging me doing a pretty handwriting with my tongue a little out of my mouth in concentration*
Recently I bought (and received!) a pink Finsbury Pocket that I bought to a girl who was living in London but was from Valencia too, what a coincidence!

This is my little filo:

As it is still November but I wanted to use it NOW, I made my own inserts... *happy dancing face* created and printed all by myself!
Let me show it in all its empty glory!
First, week on two pages (WO2P):

A little blurry, I know, I did my best...
And secondly... Even mooore gloriousness! Month on 2 pages!!(MO2P):

Ow, yeah...! Every month is a different colour, you will see other day.

And that's it!
I'm quite satisfied with my first filofax!
The only thing I could tell I don't love is how big the rings are! I think I'll get used to that... I'm slowly filling it, but at my own pace...
